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Exhibitions and awards

Art Gallery Online Fourth Place in the 2018 Art Competition Open/ No Theme
Nominated for the Palm Art Award 2018 (XII Edition): Germany (27 February 2018)
Honorable mention: Creativity and Antidote for Human Survival MAQ, (January 2018)​
Palm Art Award (Germany) - Recognition prize (29 December 2017)
International Art Prize Diego Velazquez in Barcelona at The Meam Museum
16.-24. Mai 2017, Florence, Galleria Merlino, Florence
In my head – Visionari Contemporanei
22.June-1.July 2017, Galleria d’arte Mentana, Florence
Dreamers – Realita e Immaginazione
22.June-1.July 2017, Galleria d’arte Mentana, Florence6.-16.July 2017, Galleria Merlino, Florence
Oltre L’orizzonte
15.-22. June 2017, Galleria Merlino, Florence
Sinfonie Armoniche
​5-19 April 2019 "Quantum Art Festival" at the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Moscow
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